Головна Of the mission "The Gospel Mercy" - Форум
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Of the mission "The Gospel Mercy"
serviceДата: П`ятниця, 22.01.2016, 13:52 | Повідомлення # 1
Група: Администраторы
Повідомлень: 2604
Репутація: 1
Статус: Offline
Прикріплення: 5719281.png (314.2 Kb)
serviceДата: П`ятниця, 22.01.2016, 13:52 | Повідомлення # 2
Група: Администраторы
Повідомлень: 2604
Репутація: 1
Статус: Offline
The activity of the Gospel Mercy Christian Mission was launched in 1993 with ministering in only one jail. At this stage every month the ministers of the Mission conduct 270 church services in 60 detention institutions of Ukraine. Only during the year 2012 they’ve conducted 1346 church services and 106 evangelization outreaches. More than 1600 prisoners are members of the churches. Evangelization meetings (for example on Easter) were attended by 3500 prisoners. After freeing about 1250 people became parishioners of different local churches. The main goal of the work is to teach the prisoners to follow Biblical principles. For reaching the goal ministers organize Biblical video schools. We plan to have ones in every prison church.
serviceДата: П`ятниця, 22.01.2016, 13:52 | Повідомлення # 3
Група: Администраторы
Повідомлень: 2604
Репутація: 1
Статус: Offline
Also grate attention is being given to the suicide prevention work. In cooperation with prison administration we talk with suicide susceptible people, find the reason of the tendency, pray with them and so on.

The structure of the prison church is the same as outside:

1. Regular Sunday meetings – for all who desire.

2. Regular Leader meetings.

3. Home group meetings (in local sectors) once a week .

4. Praying meetings – once a week.

5. Regular Christian sacraments: Lord’s supper, water baptism and so on.

6. Charitable help for old people, disable persons and so on. Parishioners of a prison church gave part of their salary for the orphan home (to buy sweets, pampers, toys for children)

7. They are doing also evangelization work (inside their departments).
serviceДата: П`ятниця, 22.01.2016, 13:52 | Повідомлення # 4
Група: Администраторы
Повідомлень: 2604
Репутація: 1
Статус: Offline
One of the projects of the Mission is to assist the ex-prisoners in their adaptation in the society.
The mission has purchased and (or) rented 5 country houses where newer freed ex-convicts can stay for a while and get adjusted for the new way of life, receiving meanwhile all the material and emotional back-up they need so badly. Godly life of many of the former prisoners is the testimony of the good impact of the social adaptation centers and of their positive influence on our society. We now have 150 volunteers working for the "Gospel Mercy”. Most of them have been convicted more than once, but have experienced personal meeting with Lord. Every minister has been spiritually instructed and trained and marked by great compassion for social outcasts. Their activities is not confined to visiting the prisoners themselves, it also involves treating their relatives and children. There is a programmer launched within the framework of the Mission which is called "Meeting the convict’s families”. This programmer was set up in 1995 to help distressed families whose members are doing their penal servitude. We arrange meetings with the convicts’ relatives to give them a clear idea of what’s going on and of how they should behave under the circumstances. There are lots of families restored after being fallen apart, many unhappy marriages turned into happy ones and many relations miraculously revitalized. We bring material help to the prisoners children, give them birthday and Christmas presents, arrange meetings with their convicted parents, acting as a true relief foundation. The next part of mission's work is to maintain the correspondence with the confined in different parts of Ukraine. Through the letters brothers in sisters in the Lord can receive the spiritual support in due time. They also receive our charity parcels. We receive many letters of appreciation from the confined, their wives and their children. Every year former prisoners are invited to a conference for the time of fellowship in the Lord. The conference is an opportunity to share of the restoring and sustaining power of the living God which helps them on the way of truth. Every year more than 400 people from all over Ukraine are gathered in a wonderful auditorium. There they have a chance to meet each other and share of the great changes that has taken place in their lives.
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